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Mama Ciabatta

My Culinary Workshop

Welcome to my new blog!

A fascinating journey into the wonderful world of gourmet home cooking and artisan bread baking awaits you here. You will make your own sourdough culture, a. k. a. Wild Yeast Starter. It is an essential ingredient of the infinite variety of healthy bread. My blog will give you epicurean recipes and cooking life hacks. You will stop hiding behind your incredible workload. And you will create your own culinary masterpieces. All you need is a bit of inspiration. I hope you will find it here. Stay tuned for blog updates! Good luck with your endeavors! 


You will be able to recreate the bread you liked in your favorite restaurant in your own kitchen.

You will discover the secrets of crispy “singing” crust and translucent lacy crumb.

Awaken your inner creator and you will make your own unique bread.

Grow your own unique wild yeast starter from scratch and learn to work with it.

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